

pic of Caeleigh JKKindergarten Registration

The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to your school family.

Registering your child for Kindergarten is an important milestone. The Kindergarten program in our schools recognizes the uniqueness of each child and supports learners to reach the fullness of their potential. The learning is rooted in faith and grounded in the understanding that every child is capable, competent, and loved by God.

To enroll in Year 1 of Kindergarten children must be four years old by December 31 of the school year in which they begin.

Your child’s transition to school is important to us. The steps outlined on this page will guide you through the HWCDSB Online Registration Process.

Kindergarten Registration - Checklist

For more on Kindergarten Registration click here.

When your child’s Registration is confirmed, you will receive a Welcome to Kindergarten folder with additional information about program and services within the HWCDSB.

Getting Started


Preparing for the Transition to Kindergarten

Prior to your child starting school, you will be requested to fill out a Pre-School History Form for your child. The form is designed to facilitate the collection of important information about each child's pre-school life experiences. It will be beneficial for the classroom teacher to have knowledge about your child's history, interests and needs. The form can be accessed here Pre-School History Form.


LookSee   The Looksee Checklist is an easy-to-use developmental tool that features as short list of "yes" and "no" questions about your child's abilities with tips to help them grow.  This checklist will support your child's transition to Kindergarten.  More information about the checklist and the tool itself can be found at Look See ChecklistThe checklist is available for download in multiple languages:


HWCDSB Kindergarten Parent/Caregiver Handbook

This handbook provides an overview of what can be expected as your child begins Kindergarten, as well as some suggestions to help prepare your child as they transition to school.


child care pic

Child Care 

The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District school Board is committed to providing high quality and inclusive childcare that meets the needs of our families and their children.

For child care fees as of September 2023 please click the link below:

HWCDSB Child Care Fee Schedule 2024-2025

HWCDSB Child Care Operators by School 


big crossCatholic Education

Catholic Education in Hamilton-Wentworth enables all learners to realize the fullness of humanity of which Our Lord Jesus Christ is the model. Students regularly participate in liturgies, masses and the sacraments, and Catholic teachings and Gospel values are authentically integrated across all curriculum areas and throughout all aspects of school life.

Religious Education



young girl with glassesEye See…Eye Learn

How Well Can Our Children See?

HWCDSB encourages all Junior Kindergarten students to have a comprehensive eye exam this year through Eye See…Eye Learn program-- a FREE childhood health awareness program.

All children up to 19 years of age are eligible for an annual OHIP-insured eye exam by an optometrist. Simply present the child’s health card at the time of the exam.

Children starting K and born in the appropriate year, qualify for a pair of complimentary glasses.
Please visit this website for details:


french class

French Immersion

There are five elementary schools in which the French Immersion program is offered from Kindergarten to Grade 8: Bienvenue

- Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Elementary School
- St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School
- St. Eugene Catholic Elementary School
- St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Elementary School
- St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School

French Immersion is not offered until Senior Kindergarten. Therefore, a child may complete Junior Kindergarten at their local Catholic school and then be bussed from their home school to the closest French Immersion site for grades SK to 8.

Additional Information on French Immersion:



children with special needsChildren with Special Needs

The philosophy of the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic School Board is to meet the needs of all children and to help them to develop a fullness of humanity in a Catholic Community. All students, regardless of special talents or challenging needs can grow and they can best grow by attending their neighbourhood school along with their brothers and sisters.

Additional Information can be found at Special Education HWCDSB



dental vaccine and vision info picDental, vaccine and vision information as your child starts school

It is important for children to go to a dentist and to have an eye exam before starting school.

Under the Immunization of School Pupils, children must receive certain vaccines before they attend school. Parents are responsible for reporting their child’s vaccines to their local public health unit.

Vaccines can be reported by:
Calling: (905)546-5250;
Fax: (905)546-4841

See attached flyer for information about:
- dental health and the free Healthy Smiles Ontario dental program
- how to report your child’s vaccines to Public Health
- free eye exams and free glasses

Dental, vaccine and vision information as your child starts school