St. Mary Student Hits Home Run for DREAMS Program

When Grade 11 student Joshua Canzio learned he would have the opportunity to travel to the Dominican Republic as part of St. Mary Catholic Secondary School’s DREAMS program, he was inspired to make a difference beyond the main goal of helping to build a home.
Following in his older brother’s footsteps, Canzio spearheaded a baseball equipment drive with the goal of collecting enough to outfit two full teams.
“He did something similar a few years ago when he participated in DREAMS,” said Canzio. “Seeing the impact made me eager to make a difference in the community I will work in.”
“Growing up, I was fortunate to play baseball with nice equipment, and this is my chance to share that privilege with a community in need.”
As the national sport of the D.R., the project only made sense.
Beyond his network reach at St. Mary, Canzio connected with feeder schools and organizations throughout Waterdown to ask for used baseball equipment.
“I also contacted the Waterdown Minor Baseball Association, which I played with for many years,” said Canzio, noting that President Chris Simpson and Vice President Krista Harwood were extremely generous with their donation of new and used baseball gear.
With the help of St. Mary Chaplain Don Hall, barrels have been arranged to transport the equipment down south, along with other necessary supplies needed to build.
“The plan is to ship these barrels five weeks ahead of our trip to the Dominican Republic. If needed, I am prepared to take additional equipment and supplies in an extra suitcase on the plane to ensure everything collected arrives.”
And while seeing the generosity of the community pile in, the most rewarding part is still ahead, said Canzio.
“I’m looking forward to playing a baseball game with the local children in whichever community we are deployed to build a home. A friendly game of D.R. vs. Canada would be awesome!”
“Joshua’s success is a testament to his leadership both on and off the field,” remarked teacher Julia Davis.
“As the quarterback of St. Mary’s Senior Football Team, Joshua embodies teamwork, dedication, and perseverance—qualities that have fueled this incredible initiative. His hard work is matched by the unwavering support of his family.”
“Through efforts like Joshua’s and the continued generosity of our community, students will leave with full suitcases and return with nothing but the clothes on their backs—bringing home instead a wealth of memories, lessons, and gratitude.”
The DREAMS (Dominican Republic Education and Medical Support) program is now entering its 26th year at St. Mary. Students and staff will travel to the impoverished region of San Jose de Ocoa, where they will help build homes for families in need. Over the past quarter-century, the St. Mary’s DREAMS program has built 61 homes, a school, and a teacher’s residence in these communities.
This year’s rising construction costs make the mission even more urgent. St. Mary is still accepting donations to support the program. Contributions in the form of financial gifts, household items, school supplies, and building tools are greatly appreciated. All bins must be sealed and ready to deliver by February 4th, 2025.
For more information on how to support the DREAMS program, please contact St. Mary Chaplain Don Hall at [email protected].