HWCDSB United Way Campaign

HWCDSB United Way Campaign
Posted on 01/30/2025
United Way LogoFor the month of February, HWCDSB employees will be “United in Action” to help those most vulnerable access the supports they need.

Kicking off on February 3rd, staff can make a monetary contribution through online employee donations and special fundraising activities in support of the United Way.

“When we unite in action, we show that nothing is more important than positively impacting our community,” said campaign co-chair Josie Zuppa at a kickoff event on January 22.

“The United Way helps individuals thrive, supporting families meet basic needs and strengthening our neighbourhoods in the process.”

Keynote speaker and Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Halton & Hamilton, Duane Dahl, opened his talk by sharing a cultural greeting from Kenya.

"How are the children?" he asked, clarifying that locals use this in lieu of “How are you?”

“Locals understand that the well-being of young people is a shared commitment within our society to care for, to support and to develop,” he said, explaining further. “It is probably the best indicator of the health of our communities, of our society.... out of anything else that you can measure.”

Drawing parallels, he added, “Every one of you in this room has taken that on as your job, as an educator, as an administrator, as a community leader and as a champion.”

Through funding specific from the United Way, charities like the Boys and Girls Club provide various programs, including the "Let's Get Moving" program, summer camps, and leadership initiatives.

By supporting these educational and after school programs, co-chair Paul Di Ianni shared how it results in increased self-esteem and confidence in our youth, empowering them to reach their full potential

“We know that through our campaign, our monetary donations and contributions to United Way will have a lasting impact improving the lives of children, families and individuals in our community.”

Currently, the United Way supports 61 agencies and 117 programs throughout Hamilton and Halton.

“Our community is struggling right now, and it really takes strong leaders such as yourselves to stand up and support it,” said Gillian Surette-Robinson, Senior Manager of Labour Community Services at United Way Halton & Hamilton in concluding remarks.

Please give generously.

The United Way employee giving campaign runs from February 3 to February 28, 2025.