The weekend of November 22nd and 23rd, sixteen staff members from both the elementary and secondary teaching panels gathered at Jericho House Retreat Center in Wainfleet Ontario for the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic DSB Christian Meditation Religious Renewal Retreat/Faith Formation Program.
The program is an opportunity for participants to become familiar with the practice of Christian Meditation, meet Jesus in the silence of their hearts; rest and relax and escape from cell phones, devices and other distractions.
Our time together was a mixture of prayer, learning, sharing and eating. It included extended periods of silence in which participants had an opportunity to be with God in ways of their own choosing: spiritual reading, journalling, sketching and/or walking the beautiful grounds of Jericho House.
Once again feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive.
“What a beautiful gift to be able to disengage from the busyness of life, engage in intentional silence, meet new and wonderful HWCDSB staff, in the sacred space warmly set by Jericho House and their wonderful staff.”
“Truly a gift to be able to go and spend the day/night to pause, reflect and enhance our connection with the infinite love of God. I am grateful and the practice has already made a difference for my mental health.”
“Thank you very much for allowing us the opportunity to experience such a beautiful weekend. It was amazing to take the time to push the pause button on an otherwise chaotic life. … It was a very peaceful weekend.”
“It was a beautiful experience which filled my heart and soul with peace and love. God is good!”
Following the weekend participants attempted to integrate a daily discipline of meditation, spiritual reading and journalling into their lives for a period of six weeks. This past week participants gathered at the Nicholas Mancini Center for an evening of food and fellowship, meditate together and to share the experiences, joys and challenges of incorporating Christian Meditation into daily life.
Participants were added to the HWCDSB Community for Christian Meditation. This growing community, composed of retreat participants over the last ten years, is intended to encourage and support members in persevering in a life of prayer.
"Be Still and know I am God." Psalm 46:10
All HWCDSB staff are invited to experience the Christian Meditation Adult Faith Formation/Religious Renewal Overnight Retreat. Email [email protected] for inquiries.
Click HERE to read more about what staff are saying about the Christian Meditation Faith Formation/Religious Renewal Overnight Retreat.