Mobile Devices & Vaping / Smoking Update

Mobile Devices & Vaping / Smoking Update
Posted on 08/29/2024

As we approach the beginning of the new school year, we would like to share important updates on matters flowing from the Ontario Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) No. 128, the matters focus on two key areas: 

  1. restricting the use of personal mobile devices (e.g. cell phone) and the access of social media platforms during the school day.
  2. prohibiting vaping/smoking on or near school and board properties. 


Personal Mobile Device (e.g. Cell Phone) Usage:

  • Kindergarten to Grade 8: Students are required to keep their phones turned off or set to silent mode and out of sight throughout the school day unless explicitly permitted by the educator for a specific purpose.
  •  Grades 9 to 12: Students must store their phones out of view and powered off or set to silent during instructional time, except when allowed by the educator for specific reasons.

These changes are now reflected in the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic School Boards SM08 Safe Schools policy and in our SM09 Code of Student Conduct and Discipline policy

Our Board, in partnership with parents/guardians, and parishes, is committed to ensuring a Catholic school learning environment free of distraction. Contravention of these expectations will result in the confiscation of the personal mobile device. 

Students that require to use their phones or other electronic devices for health and medical reasons, or to support special education needs, may continue to use them during the school day with permission of the teacher and authorization by the school Principal.

We understand that some parents/guardians may need to communicate with their children during the school day.  In these circumstances you are asked to contact the school office.  As well, students who need to contact their parents/guardians in urgent circumstances are welcome to use the school’s telephone located in the Main (elementary) or Attendance (secondary) Office.

Report cards may include comments regarding a students’ distraction levels in class.


Anti-Vaping and Anti-Smoking:

PPM 128 as well introduces a strict anti-vaping and anti-smoking policy. Parents and guardians will be notified if their child is found vaping or smoking on or within 20 meters of school property.  Any vapes or tobacco/nicotine materials in a student’s possession will be confiscated. There are serious consequences for students caught with vapes, or in possession of illegal or controlled substances, as per the Board Policy SM09 Code of Student Conduct and Discipline.  Vaping or smoking of any kind is not permitted on school and board premises, while participating in school sanctioned events, or while on buses or other Board transportation vehicles.

Thank you for your attention to and support for these important matters. Please be assured of our dedicated staff and Board of Trustees shared commitment to continue to “place Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre” of your child’s learning experience. 

Yours very truly,
Patrick J. Daly, Chairperson of the Board
David Hansen, Director of Education
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board


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