De Mazenod Door Outreach by St. Mary Catholic Secondary School DREAMS Program
St. Mary Catholic Secondary School DREAMS students, recently participated at the De Mazenod Door Outreach. Maddie, Jonathan, Lucas, Graham, Matteo, Kellan, and Thomas, along with dedicated staff and chaperones, served the Hamilton community with dignity and respect, offering warm socks and nourishing food to those in need. Don Hall, Chaplaincy Leader at St. Mary CSS, said, “I'm extremely proud of the way our DREAMS students put a smile on the face of the people they served while offering them new socks to help keep them warm and a variety of food to nourish them and their pets too.” Witnessing their compassion was truly powerful.
The DREAMS program has a rich history of humanitarian endeavors, including missions to the Dominican Republic. There, students, staff, and chaperones have built 60 homes for families in the San Jose de Ocoa region, along with a school and a teachers' residence. Medical professionals have also joined these missions, providing essential supplies and services.
Embrace the Celebration:
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of St. Mary's DREAMS on May 3rd at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Purchase Tickets here:
DREAMS Anniversary tickets