French Immersion

Overview of the Early French Immersion Program

Girl reading french bookThe French Immersion Program begins in Kindergarten Year 2 and continues until the end of Grade 12.

The Early French Immersion program is offered at St. Eugene, St. Joseph, and Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Clare of Assisi and St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary Schools.

The Secondary French Immersion Program is offered at Cathedral High School.

*St. Clare of Assisi and St. Vincent de Paul began offering Kindergarten Year 2 and grade 1 in September 2020. They will offer the next grade each consecutive year.

Students enrolled in Kindergarten French immersion receive a minimum of 50% instruction in French on a daily basis.
Students enrolled in Grades 1 through 8 receive 50% of instruction in French and 50% of instruction in English.
Students at the Secondary level complete a minimum of 10 courses delivered in French.

The following subjects are taught in French at the elementary level:
-Arts (Drama and Dance, Music and Visual Arts)
-French Language and Literacy
-Health and Physical Education
-Science and Technology
-Social Studies (History and Geography)


French Immersion Kindergarten at HWCDSB

The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board offers a French Immersion Program for children starting Kindergarten Year 2.

A French background is not necessary as the French Immersion program is designed for students who do not speak French at home. What is required are parents who are supportive of the French curriculum and appreciate the benefits of a French language education

FI Class




For more detailed information, please see the flyer below or call your boundary French Immersion school:

To access the Power Point presentation from the Parent Information Session, please see below. 

FI Welcome to K Information Session FALL 2024.pdf

French Immersion Brochure


FI Logos

Our French Immersion Schools

St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Elementary School
École élémentaire catholique Sainte Clare

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School
École élémentaire catholique Saint Vincent de Paul

Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Elementary School
École élémentaire catholique Saints Pierre et Paul

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School
École élémentaire catholique Saint Joseph

St. Eugene Catholic Elementary School
École élémentaire catholique Saint Eugène

The Secondary French Immersion Program is offered at
Cathedral High School
École secondaire catholique Cathédrale


School Locator, Boundary Maps and Transportation

For school eligibility and boundary maps please visit the School Locator at:

For information about for transportation (buses), please click visit HWSTS at:


Welcome to Cathedral

This is our newest version which includes highlights of our French Immersion program!



FI LogoAdditional Information

For more information regarding French Immersion, please see attached documents or contact us at:

(905) 525-2930, ext. 4062

A Parent Guide: Supporting Your Child’s Success in French Immersion and Extended French Elementary Schools

Hamilton Public Library – French Resources
Why French – A Guide for Parents


Ministry & External Resources

FSLMinistry of Ontario - French as a Second Ontario Ministry of Education: French As a Second Language

Ministry of Ontario - A Framework for French as a Second Language for Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade Twelve

On Est Capable! French Professional Development

FSL Homework Toolbox: Resource for Parents and Students

Canadian Parents for French:


French Immersion StudentsStudents with Special Education Needs and French as a Second Language

Including Students with Special Needs in FSL Programs
Supporting Students With Special Education Needs In FSL